Sunday, May 17, 2015

Week Ending Sunday, May 17, 2015

Chapter 67

1,504 words.

Chapter 68

921 words.

Lots of query emails to my beta-readers.

So let's say...3,000 words.

Spent much of the week getting my beta-reader email packages together, plus calling a few people so I didn't have to send them emails.


Because the 37th novel-length edit of the book is done!!!  That's right--37!!!  This week I'll send out my beta-reader queries and work on the next book.  This weekend I'll spend one day incorporating all of the red comments in this last manuscript edit, save it all to one long document, and back it all up.

Then, out go the agent queries as I work on the next book, tidy up and send out a few stories, and take a look at the new book my zombie story is in.  And, please, wish me luck!!!


  1. Wishing you luck!

    My word total is like nothing. A few queries and emails, some revisions - I will say 2000 max.

    I spent most of the week studying and writing up a final for one class and prepping a module for another. I also have been working on my deck (the never ending project) So at the end of the day my hands are useless.
    I have my next book outlined and hope to start it in June sometime.

    I had an agent pass after asking for a full mss, but got an email on Monday from another one asking for the first 100 pages.

    I think I am going to redo my other queries based on the template I used for the one I am using now because it is working so well. Not traditional at all but agents are all responding and asking for pages.

    Wish me luck ;)

    1. I'm sorry to hear about the agent pass, but happy to hear about the other agent's interest. So good luck with that agent and that first 100 pages, and with all of the other projects you're working on.

      In fact, best of luck to both of us!!! (And best of luck with that deck. I know how that goes...)
